Vacuumforming - maridur®

By kind permission of VIBA BV
By kind permission of VIBA BV
By kind permission of VIBA BV
By kind permission of VIBA BV
By kind permission of VIBA BV

The test was made with a board
of 16 mm thickness on a machine
from the manufacturer GLOBAL.

The following process is advised:

  • 1. slowly heat the material up to 120 °C
  • 2. bend the material over a block with the requested curvature
  • 3. the material must be cooled down slowly again
  • 4. the material should be stored and transported according to the shape


In co-operation with Curve Works B.V. it is possible to produce large-format 3-D-components, e. g. for ceiling panelling, which can be produced cost-efficiently.

The adaptive mould from Curve Works B.V. enables to produce components up to a size of 3900 x 1900 x 900 mm with little effort.

Your advantages:

  • low mould costs
  • large dimensions
  • short processing times
  • strong deformations possible
  • material thickness from 4 mm

ceiling panelling by kind permission of Curve Works
Photographer Jordi Huisman


maridur® with a density of 300 to 700 kg/m³, depending on the use of the components.

Coating with lacquer, veneer, laminate and foils is possible without any problems.

3-D-moulded component made of maridur® 50 produced by Curve Works B.V.
Dimension 2000 x 1000 mm


productmaridur® 50
bulk density approx. kg/m3500
possible dimensions in mm1500 x 500 x 4 - 200
2000 x 1000 x 4 - 100
Fire protection classification (DIN 4102-1)B2
Compressive strength approx. MPa (DIN EN ISO 604)14 – 16
Bending strength approx. MPa (DIN EN ISO 178)17 – 19


3-D-moulded component made of maridur® 50 produced by Curve Works B.V.
Dimension 2000 x 1000 mm

3-D-moulded component made of maridur® 50 produced by Curve Works B.V.
Dimension 2000 x 1000 mm


3-D-moulded component made of maridur® 50 produced by Curve Works B.V.
Dimension 2000 x 1000 mm


If you are interested, you can get further information directly from our partner Curve Works B.V.:


Curve Works B.V.
Curieweg 17A
2408 BZ Alphen aan den Rijn
Tel. +31/172/786812