Adhesives - maridur®


For lacquered parts, we recommend our AMPROTM adhesive. This adhesive has already been used for many years in various applications. For simple bonding and for components (without lacquering), however, you can also use a PU-based adhesive. We recommend our product OBO-bond brown.

Preparation of the surfaces for bonding:

  • All surfaces should be sanded beforehand using 80 grid abrasive or coarser.
  • The surfaces to be glued must be clean, dry and dust-free. Blow over with compressed air or vacuum clean.
  • The surfaces to be bonded should be cleaned from oil, fat, dust or dirt residues using suitable solvents. Suitable solvents are such which evaporate without residue in order to achieve a maximum adhesive power, e.g. acetone or isopropanol.
  • The adhesive is applied on both surfaces with a notched resin spreader.
  • Now the components are assembled.
  • Secure the components with sufficient clamps or presses.
  • Laterally leaking glue should be smoothed or removed with a notched resin spreader.

OBO-bond brown PU-adhesives

Type:OBO-bond ResinOBO-bond 50 Hardener
Mixing ratio by proportion of weight A:B:10050
Pot life 150g / 20 °C in min.:15 – 20
Curing time at room temperature in hours:8 – 10
Packing units | Article number:0,4 kg
0,2 kg

Attention! Results after curing and heat treatment. Please also see our product data sheet. The technical data relating to the material and its processing has been compiled care-fully and is correct to the best of our knowledge. The information cannot, however, be taken to be legally binding nor as any commitment that the material has certain properties or is suited for any particular purposes.


Colour:yellowish clear liquid palewhite
Type:AMPROTM Resin | clearAMPROTM Hardener slow | yellowishAMPROTM filler
Mixing ratio by proportion of weight A:B:10029 
Pot life 150g / 20 °C in min.:80The viscosity can be variably regulated by mixing with AMPROTM Silica filler.
Curing time at room temperature in hours:20
Packing units | Article number:3,25 kg
20,0 kg
0,95 kg
6,0 kg
0,05 kg


Attention! Results after curing and heat treatment. Please also see our product data sheet. The technical data relating to the material and its processing has been compiled care-fully and is correct to the best of our knowledge. The information cannot, however, be taken to be legally binding nor as any commitment that the material has certain properties or is suited for any particular purposes.